peace + love + photography


Moving on

This will be the last post on this site…from now on you can catch me at my new blog

Surreal Blogging

How much is too much? I don’t know…sometimes I think writing about oneself can be a bit…tricky. How much is too much? And then you may not reveal enough rendering yourself a complete bore…Personally, I think it’s a fine line. You want to connect with others share your interests, dreams, and randomness yet you don’t want to put Everything out there {there is the threat of identity theft or the random stalker, ok maybe not a stalker} I suppose you want to have an opinion yet you want to be aware of being offensive. So how much is too much?

Heather + Graham (via Clinton James Photography Blog)

So dreamy…I like this photographer’s work.

Heather + Graham Heather and Graham had a true Northwest Destination wedding on Henry Island in the San Juans.  The journey included taxis, ferries, barges and a few guests even arrived in their own boats and camped on the island overnight.  The ceremony was damp from rain and from tears of happiness and the mist made for some great images. … Read More

via Clinton James Photography Blog

Wedding Photography and Creative Live

Today is an exciting day. I’m shooting a wedding in Mesa and it’s going to be great…an intimate and chic venue {Tre Bella} and a lot of artistic and historic sites abound just around the corner.

I’m always looking for ways to grow & perfect who I am as a photographer…it’s like a lifetime learning thing. Even when I’m still shooting 20 years from now I’ll still be looking for ways to up my game. Recently, I came across an awesome online event, Creative Live Featuring Jasmine Star. I really like Jasmine Star, she is an awesome Wedding Photographer {I have to use caps cause she’s a real pro.} Not only is she a talented photographer she is very open and honest and likes sharing her experiences with other photographers. I really, really recommend her blog. The Creative Live Event, featuring Jasmine Star takes the viewer through the intricacies of a wedding day photo shoot. It’s 5 days of intensive online video training. I’ve watched 2 days of the training and it has really helped to address/verify/ and clarify some issues for me when photographing an event as varied and extensive as a wedding. Thanks Creative Live and Jasmine for this awesome resource.

Working Away…

I’ve been steadily working on my site…here’s another preview of the progress. There’s still a lot that needs to be done {obviously} but I’m happy with how things are coming together.

After a year of contemplating what direction to go in, I’ve decided to focus on Wedding and Engagement Photography. I believe I’m in love with love. The institution of marriage is sacred. And when two special people come together it’s amazing. I like capturing moments of couples having fun and reveling in each other’s company.

What I’m doing right now

My life is kinda crazy {in a good way}.  There’s a lot going on:

  1. I’m in school {it’s official…studying photography…more on that later}
  2. I work part-time as a hip hop dance instructor
  3. I’m working on various photography projects {getting organized…defining my style…editing and publishing photos}

It all sounds much simpler on paper. But it’s so not and it’s time consuming yet I’m doing what I love and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Had a really interesting class today about the early history of photography. Turns out photography was invented in the 1800’s. It was a dual discovery…two inventors announced their photographic inventions in the same year. Daguerre made his announcement first in France and William Talbot {once he heard about Daguerre} went ahead and announced his discovery as well, in England. The interesting thing {well it’s all really interesting, to me at least} is Daguerre’s discovery was not entirely his own, he was a businessman and artist who partnered with a scientist, Niepce {pronounced Nee – yips}.

Daguerre was a character…he kind of swindled Niepce in a way. Niepce apparently was an introverted, a bit naive, scientist. He stumbled onto his invention by experimenting with silver halide. He basically created the first recorded ‘negative’ but didn’t know what to do with this reverse image so he discarded this in favor of another process…the world’s first photograph was a heliograph. The exposed image was prone to fading when exposed to more sunlight. More chemistry was needed to ‘fix’ the image. Daguerre convinces Niepce to partner with him…Niepce passes away and Daguerre inherits all of his experiments and figures out how to fix an image using salt water. Niepce gets little /no credit for his contribution because they dubbed the new invention the ‘daguerreotype’ and it becomes a huge hit. Daguerre pens a booklet and sells lots of kits and creates a franchise. It’s a huge commercial success for Daguerre. Niepce however, died impoverished and never saw the results of his years of experimentation.

That’s half of the story. I think I will save Talbot for another day.

Happy Tuesday!

My New Site: CYNTHIA J PHOTOGRAPHY {a preview}

My life has been kinda crazy lately. In a good way. There are lots of projects cookin’ at the same time…multiple burners going. And it’s been a challenge. The good thing is that I love what I do.

Working on my website has been challenging, but its coming along. This is a preview / ‘placeholder’ until all of my photos and other info is finalized. At the same time it’s a lot of fun!

It Will Always Be My Favorite


chocolate ice cream. brownies. godiva. anything chocolate floats my boat!

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Sometimes I Can't Help It

I know psychologists say eye-rolling is an aggressive behavior, but sometimes a snide comment warrants it. A few things that make me roll my eyes:

1- my mother’s unwanted advice {believe me if you heard it you would roll your eyes too}

2- excessive cursing. like every other word. you really couldn’t find a better way to express yourself, really?

3- negativity

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Cathy + Billy: Phoenix Wedding Photography Preview

Cathy and Billy recently tied the knot here in Phoenix. Here’s a preview of their wedding photos.